
For 75 years, PAN, Inc. has brought together professionals and nutrition advocates in the pursuit of fostering fellowship through the common goal of improving the nutrition and overall health of the country. The members of the organization come from different sectors; nutrition and dietetics, medicine, allied health, public health, education, agriculture, food science, government, and private organizations.

As of the year 2022, the PAN, Inc. has a total of 200 regular members and 200 lifetime members.

In addition, as the mother organization, PAN, Inc. has facilitated organizing student chapters and provincial chapters coming from the different regions in the Philippines. As of 2022, the organization has branched to a total of 23 student chapters and 10 provincial chapters.

The membership to the Philippine Association of Nutrition, Inc. is open to the following:

  • Professional: College degree holders who have active participation in the promotion of nutrition. They have voting privileges and will receive copies of PAN publications.
  • Associate: Non-college degree holders who have active participation in the promotion of nutrition. They have no voting privileges but may receive copies of PAN publications except the Philippine Journal of Nutrition (PJN).
  • Student: Those majoring in food and nutrition and other allied fields in any recognized college or university.
  • Life: Members of the Association who are at least 50 years of age and who have been professional members of good standing for at least five consecutive years.
  • Fellow: The title fellow shall be conferred upon any charter or professional member who has made outstanding contribution in the field of nutrition in the Philippines and has completed at least five years of continuous membership of good standing on the date of his/her nomination. He/She shall be chosen by unanimous approval of the Directors of the Board of the mother organization upon the nomination of the Committee on Awards.
  • Charter: Members who signed the original Constitution and By-Laws and those whose names appear in the roster of the Association at the time of the incorporation. Chapters shall have their own charter members

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