PAN Activities

  • Annual Convention
  • PAN Awards
  • PAN Recommends

To date, PAN has been actively organizing annual conventions every July to gather its members and partners with timely and relevant issues and discussions on food, nutrition, and health. Its theme and discussions depend on the nutrition month theme released by National Nutrition Council.

Yearly, during its Annual Convention, PAN uses the opportunity to award respective individuals and chapters. Awards include but are not limited to, the PAN Fellow award, the Most Outstanding ND Student, and the Most Outstanding Student Chapter.

PAN Fellow Award is conferred on an individual for outstanding contribution to the advancement of the nutrition profession resulting from individual professional competence in food and nutrition research, clinical nutrition and dietetics, nutrition administration, community nutrition, nutrition promotion, and education and work. While Most Outstanding ND Student and Student Chapter signify the student and student chapter with the most valuable efforts and participation in service-oriented nutrition and nutrition-related activities.

PAN Recommends states the important and urgent nutrition and related policy, strategy, and/or program recommendation that will contribute to the improvement of the current nutrition situation of Filipinos particularly, the population groups in most need.  The policy, strategy, and/or program recommendations are consistent firstly with the national nutrition priorities set by the government and also with global goals and targets. PAN has been formulating PAN Recommends since 2003 as an output from the annual convention.