About PAN

  • Vision, Mission, Mandate
  • Board of Directors 2022-2023

The Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN), Inc. was founded on 9 March 1947 by individuals with the vision of good nutrition for Filipinos led by Dr. Francisco O. Santos, Dr. Juan Salcedo, Dr. Isabelo O. Concepcion, Prof. Presentacion Perez, Dr. Clara Ruth Darby, Dr. Barker Brown, and Dr. Ariston Hermano.

PAN, Inc. was formed to organize into a single body all those interested in the food and nutrition problems in the Philippines and support all efforts directed towards the attainment of proper nutrition for Filipinos.

The organization’s major accomplishments include: the establishment of the Institute of Nutrition (IN) now the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI); assisted in the passage of the Rice Enrichment Law (RA 382) on 14 August 1952 and its implementation; helped work for the inclusion of nutrition in the medical curriculum, and recommended guidelines and policies in the needed curricula.  The latter led to the organization on 23 February 1955 of; the Dietetic Association of the Philippines (DAP) now known as the Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines (NDAP).  The PAN also helped organize the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines (NFP).

Membership to the PAN, Inc. is open to professionals in the field of food and nutrition, health sciences, agriculture, allied health, academe, local policymakers and implementers, and students in food and nutrition and other allied fields, and to persons who have shown sustained and active participation in the promotion of nutrition.  Membership is also open to organizations and corporations that are actually engaged in the promotion and advancement of nutrition in the Philippines.

Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Vega, RND, MSN

Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Vega, RND, MSN


Affiliation: Executive Director, Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines

Maria Lourdes A. Vega is a retired Division Chief for Nutrition Policy and Planning of the National Nutrition Council (NNC) and currently the Executive Director of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines (NFP). She has been a mainstay of furthering and improving the nutrition status of the country, starting immediately as she had graduated in mid 70’s until today. She is awarded as a Fellow on Nutrition Advocacy by the Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN) Inc. in 1996 and as one of the Ten Outstanding Leaders in the Nutritionist-Dietitian Profession by the Nutritionist-Dietians Association of the Philippines (NDAP) in 2005. Throughout her career, she has authored and co-authored several publications and has also been an invitee, lecturer, and speaker in various conferences, programs, trainings, seminars, workshops along planning, monitoring and evaluation management. She has also been involved in planning, managing, and executing nutrition policies and plans, such as the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN), in her tenure in the NNC.   
Before her stay in NNC, she graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Community Nutrition at the College of Home Economics (CHE) in the University of the Philippines Diliman Campus (UPD) in 1976. She also continued her studies and graduated as a Master of Science in Nutrition in the same college. Aside from that she also studied in the Statistical Center at UPD became a Master in Statistics and also completed a Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition at the International Agricultural Center in Wageningen in the Netherlands.

Rhea C. Benavides-de Leon, RND, MPH

Rhea C. Benavides-de Leon, RND, MPH

1st Vice President

Affiliation: Nutrition Consultant, World Food Programme

Ms. Rhea C. Benavides-de Leon, is a registered nutritionist-dietitian (RND), a nutrition consultant, a researcher, a nutrition educator and a public health nutritionist. She has a Master’s degree in Public Health (International Program) from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel, Magna Cum Laude (2019) and has finished the core courses for the Master of Science in Nutrition (lacks thesis) from the University of the Philippines (UP)–Diliman where she also gained her Bachelor of Science in Community Nutrition, Cum Laude (2002). Furthermore, Ms. Benavides- de Leon ranked First Place in the 2004 Nutritionist-Dietitian Licensure Examination in the Philippines.
Ms. Benavides- de Leon’s professional experiences range from surveys and research works as a Science Research Specialist in the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology; program management as the National Project Coordinator for Helen Keller International (HKI) Philippines; consultancy and technical services for the World Food Program (WFP) Philippines, United States Agency for International Development/Bureau for Global Health (USAID/GH), World Health Organization–Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO–WPRO) and local programs such as crafting of the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN) 2017-2022 and assessment of the Philippine Food Fortification Program (RA 8976).
Ms. Benavides- de Leon also joined the academe as Faculty of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition in the College of Home Economics, UP Diliman in 2010–2016 and in the School of Nutrition of the Philippine Women’s University (PWU)–Manila in 2017.

Angelina R. Bustos, RND, PhD

Angelina R. Bustos, RND, PhD

2nd Vice President

Affiliation: Associate Professor 7, Institute of Human Nutrition and Food
College of Human Ecology, University of the Philippines Los Baños

Dr. Angelina Rosario-Bustos is currently an Associate Professor 7 in the Institute of Human Nutrition and Food under the the College of Human Ecology (IHNF-CHE) at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. She has been honing her craft in the academe, starting as Research Assistant in 1993 at Southeast Asia Ministers of Education, Tropical Medicine, and Public Health Network (SEAMEO/TROPMED) then eventually moving as a Scientific Research Assistant in the same year at the IHNF-CHE where she is currently teaching now. She has steadily continued in the academe, teaching several courses while also being continuously involved in Research, assisting, co-leading, spearheading, publishing, and even presenting various papers. She has also produced several syllabi for the Institute. Aside from the Research and Academe, she has also been in involved and even became officer-in-charge and program leader of the Barangay Integrated Development Approach for Nutrition Improvement developed in the IHNF (BIDANI-IHNF), a nationwide network program that bridges the academe and the government to provide timely nutrition solutions and intervention to our local community. She is also a part and was previously the department head of Nutrition Policies and Programs Division of IHNF (NPAP-IHNF), a division focusing on integrative and multi-sectoral orientation on program planning and management, surveillance systems and policy formulation related to food and nutrition.
Dr. Bustos is a graduate of BS Nutrition University of the Philippines Los Baños. She then pursued to be a Master of Professional Studies in Food and Nutrition Planning in 1996 and also a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science minor in Strategic Planning and Public Policy, both also completed in the same campus.

Cecile Leah T. Bayaga, RND, PhD.

Cecile Leah T. Bayaga, RND, PhD.


Affiliation: University of the Philippines – Diliman

Dr. Cecile Leah T. Bayaga is a full-time faculty member at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Home Economics, UP-Diliman. For more than 20 years, Dr. Bayaga has been committedly teaching undergraduate and graduate Nutrition and Dietetics students.
As an educator, Dr. Bayaga has molded students at the University if the Philippines- Diliman and has mentored numerous leading professionals in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics industry. Together with her colleagues, she has collaborated with her well-renowned faculty members and has shared her talents and expertise in the field of Nutrition and, is considered a prominent part of quality education in one of the premier universities in the Philippines.
Dr. Bayaga’s unwavering dedication in her profession has enabled her to publish numerous publications through which, one of her publications was awarded as one of the Most Outstanding Scientific Paper by the National Academy of Science (NAST) in 2020.
Furthermore, Dr. Bayaga is the principal investigator of the Breastmilk Research Laboratory at the College of Home Economics, UP-Diliman and as well, she is also the co-proponent of the establishment of the CHE Nutrition Clinic which aims to be an education, research, and extension arm of the Nutrition Section of CHE, UP-Diliman.

Timothy Moises C. Mendoza, RND

Timothy Moises C. Mendoza, RND

Assistant Secretary

Affiliation: Food and Drug Administration Philippines

Mr. Timothy Moises C. Mendoza currently works in the Food and Drug Administration Philippines as a Food-Drug Regulation Officer under the Center for Food Regulation and Research – Food Safety Unit. Notably, he was involved with various technical working groups (ad hoc and interim) which led to the establishment and operationalization of the Philippine Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed, organization of the Food Safety Regulation Coordinating Board, launching of the Electronic Registration System for Processed Food Product, establishment of the Regulatory Enforcement Unit of the FDA. Mr. Mendoza is also a regular representative of the Philippines to the ASEAN Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed committee meetings, speaker/lecturer for local and international symposia and seminars, and handling of media affairs of the Center for food safety and quality issue/topics.
Mr. Mendoza is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition in the University of the Philippines Los Baños, cum laude, and is currently finishing his Masterals degree in Development Management and Governance from the same university. He was awarded as one of the 2012 Outstanding Student for Nutrition by the Philippine Association of Nutrition, Inc.

Ma. Lilibeth P. Dasco, RND, MDM

Ma. Lilibeth P. Dasco, RND, MDM


Affiliation: Supervising Science Research Specialist
Nutritional Assessment Section (NAS),
Nutritional Assessment and Monitoring Division (NAMD),
DOST-Food and Nutrition Research Institute, Bicutan, Taguig City

Ma. Lilibeth P. Dasco, worked with the Nutritional Assessment and Monitoring Division (NAMD) for more than 27 years as main or co-author of numerous published or unpublished research papers from the results and in-depth studies of the Nutrition Surveys. She rose from the ranks as Science Research Analyst in 1993 and recently as Supervising Science Research Specialist of NAMD. She also acted as Team Leader (1993-1998), Assistant Team Coordinator (1998-2003), Team Coordinator (2005-2015), and Component Study Leader since 2008 in the National Nutrition Surveys of FNRI.
Ms. Dasco presented her research work as Resource Person/presenter in the FNRI Seminar Series every July Nutrition month, Regional Dissemination Fora, workshops sponsored by National Line Agencies or by the Local Government Units (LGUs), orientation of students on study tours, and media interviews. She is also a trainer of enumerators/ data collectors/researchers and local health workers on the survey methodologies for anthropometry and dietary assessment.
Her work is not only confined at FNRI. She was an Examiner in the DOST-SEI Undergraduate Scholarship Program since 2005 until 2008. She was the Representative of the FNRI in the WHO Child Growth Standards (CGS) Technical Working Group in 2008. As representative, she was presenter and facilitator in the Training of Trainors (TOT) on the WHO-CGS in Visayas and Mindanao Clusters and in the Regional and Provincial Training of LGUs. In addition, she served in the professional organization like the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians, Inc. as elected Board Member, holding the position of Assistant Secretary, 2006-2007; Board Member, 2009-2010; and Treasurer, 2011-2014. She was a thesis external reviewer of UPLB Graduate School during the 2nd Semester of SY 2014-2015 at the same time Peer Reviewer of the Journal of Human Ecology (2015). She also extended her services as Faculty Lecturer of the Licensure Examination for Nutritionists-Dietitians (LEND) Review Class conducted by the University of Southern Mindanao (USM) Review Center for CY 2015 until 2019 at Kabacan, North Cotabato.
In 1997, 2005, and 2010 she was awarded the Model Employee of NAMD for being passionate and dedicated to her craft. To hone her leadership skills, she was nominated and endorsed by FNRI to attend the 6th Southeast Asian Nutrition Leadership Program in Jakarta, Indonesia on October 28- November 1, 2008 sponsored by the SEAMEO-TROPMED.

Lalaine M. Carlos

Lalaine M. Carlos

Assistant Treasurer

Lalaine M. Carlos is a registered nutritionist-dietitian who recently retired from her service in July 2022 as Nutrition Officer II of the National Nutrition Council in the National Capital Region. She served 30 years prior to retiring and has worked in several technical and administrative aspects of the following projects and committees: NNC Governing Board, NNC Technical Committee, Barangay Nutrition Scholars Program (BNSP), Local Government Unit (LGU) Mobilization, Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, Nutrition Action Officers Association of the Philippines (NAOPA), Inc., District/City Nutrition Program Coordinators Association of the Philippines (D/CNPCAP), Inc., LuzViMin Federation of Barangay Nutrition Scholars, Inc.
She studied Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics from June 1998 till March 1991 in the College of the Holy Spirit at Mendiola, Manila then passed her licensure exam at 1991 as well. She then went to train on several different areas on different fields such as the Capacity Building in Agricultural Policy and Planning Agriculture and Fisheries Development Policy Analysis Clinics, 9th International Training Program in Social Mobilization for Development, 4th Regional Training Programme on Food and Nutrition Program Planning and Management,Training on Food and Nutrition Policy Analysi, and Thailand Food and Nutrition Security. Later on she also finished her aster’s Degree in Public Management-Rural and Agricultural Development 3 at the Ateneo de Manila University Graduate School on 2005.

Guillerma B. Apigo, RND, MPA, MBA-HRM

Guillerma B. Apigo, RND, MPA, MBA-HRM

Board Member

Affiliation: Nutritionist-Dietitian V (Chief Dietitian)
Southern Phil. Medical Center

Ms. Apigo is the current Chief Dietitian V of the Southern Philippine Medical Center in Davao, City. As a well-rounded and experienced Nutritionist-Dietitian, Ms. Apigo has been awarded of several awards including the NDAP outstanding provincial member, NDAP outstanding Nutritionist-Dietitian, Clara Ruth Darby lectureship award, and the 2021 Professional Regulation Commission Outstanding Nutritionist-Dietitian of the year.
Ms. Apigo adheres to her strong commitment to serve with quality food service to all the patients of the Southern Philippine Medical Center regardless of race, religion, and beliefs, and continue her advocacy in helping patients in need and facilitating charity work for those affected of natural calamities and conflict in the Mindanao region.

Iris Rowena A. Bernardo, RND, MPH

Iris Rowena A. Bernardo, RND, MPH

Board Member

Iris Rowena A. Bernardo, a licensed Nutritionist-Dietitian, is currently a full-time Associate Professor of the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, College of Science, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) and the Department Chairperson, Nutrition and Dietetics. She obtained her Master of Public Health, Major in Nutrition, at the University of the Philippines, Manila, in 1993. She finished her Bachelor of Science in Foods and Nutrition at the University of Santo Tomas in 1977 and attained 42 units in Doctor in Public Administration at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.
She is a lifetime member of the Nutritionist-Dietitians’ Association of the Philippines (the Accredited Integrated Professional Organization {AIPO}), a lifetime member and Board member of the Philippine Society of Nutritionist-Dietitians(PSND) and a lifetime member and Executive Trustee of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines (NFP), a Board member of the Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN) and a lifetime member of the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Researchers and Educators, Inc. (APCoRE). She has been a member of several professional organizations such as the Development Program Group, Academe of NDAP, Philippine Diabetes Association, Philippine Association for Overweight & Obesity,Philippine Society of Hypertension, Philippine Association of Health Professions Educators, Philippine Association of Research Managers, Association of ScholarlyEditors, among others. Her former employment included the National Nutrition Service-Department of Health, Nutrition Center of the Philippines, among others.

Mark Angelo R. Lorenzo, RND

Mark Angelo R. Lorenzo, RND

Board Member

Affiliation: Nutritionist-Dietitian IV
Department of Health – Center for Health Development MIMAROPA

Mark Angelo R. Lorenzo is currently the Regional Nutritionist Program Manager Head of the Nutrition Unit of the Department of Health – Center for Health Development in MIMAROPA. In 2011, he started as a Nutritionist-Dietitian III in DSWD MiMaRoPa and has been involved in different projects and initiatives that help empower the public health nutrition community. He has been the Regional Focal Person for the partnership of DSWD with Kabisig ng Kalahi Feeding Programs Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) wherein aside from monitoring and implementing Supplemental Feeding Programs, they are also empowering and equipping mothers and other allied workers so that the program can continue and be sustainable. In 2018 and 2019, they were awarded the Regional Best Operations Office under his leadership. Aside from this, he is continuously working alongside NNC MiMaRoPa under the Regional Technical Working Group, Regional Bantay Asin Task Force, and TWG on the First 1000 Days Program.
Mr. Lorenzo is a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila, awarded Exceptional Achiever, and is currently finishing his Masteral Degree in Public Health at the University of the Philippines Manila. He was a CHED Congressional Scholar and had garnered several accolades from the College of Nutrition and Food Science – Polytechnic University of the Philippines such as Best Research Presenter and Outstanding Officer in 2008, and Leadership Award in 2009.

Emelita Ong-Lavilla

Emelita Ong-Lavilla

Board Member

Affiliation: Chief Dietitian, Philippine General Hospital

Ms. Emelita Ong-Lavilla is the Chief Dietitian of Philippine General Hospital. A well-rounded Nutritionist-Dietitian in the area of hospital dietetics, she started her career at the Philippine General Hospital as a Food Service Supervisor II in January 1999. A mainstay at her field, she developed seventeen solid years of experience as a Clinical Nutritionist-Dietitian wherein she was then promoted as Supervising Dietitian at the Nutrition Education Training and Research Division of PGH. She also co-supervised the Food Service Administration Division from 2013 to 2016.  By October 10, 2017 she then progressed and assumed the position of Chief Dietitian. She is also part of the hospital’s quality management system being the Team Leader in one of the Paramedical Teams Internal Quality Auditor since PGH became ISO accredited.  She made major contribution in the development of the of the Dietary Department’s Quality Management System Manual.
Emelita Ong-Lavilla is a graduate of B.S. Nutrition & Dietetics at the University of Santo Tomas. She graduated Cum Laude and was awarded as Outstanding Student of the Year 1998 in the College of Education at UST. She then continued and graduated Master of Hospital Administration in the College of Public Health at University of the Philippines Manila, wherein she received Academic Excellence Award for Master of Hospital Administration in 2016. She also has already completed 33 units of the Master of Science in Public Health (Nutrition) in the College of Public Health at University of the Philippines Manila.

Marissa V. Romero, PhD

Marissa V. Romero, PhD

Board Member

Affiliation: Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice)

Dr. Romero started her career with a short stint as a production supervisor in Leslie Corporation in Manila. She then worked as a University Research Associate at the Institute of Food Science and Technology at UPLB, and later as a research assistant at UC Davis. In 1997, she joined PhilRice as a senior researcher and later assumed various positions including program leader, division head, and project leader. Her research related to food science, nutrition, and health is focused on healthier rice, nutraceuticals, specialty rice, traditional/heirloom rice varieties, value-adding, rice and rice by-product utilization, product development, rice quality, and responsible rice consumption, which contribute to increased income for rice farmers and other stakeholders and have great impact to the well-being of the Filipino consumers.
Attesting to the sterling quality and productivity of her research are many local and international publications, presentations, and awards from professional and scientific societies. She was given outstanding achievement awards by the New York and Central New Jersey Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) and graduate student award by the USA Women in Flavor and Fragrance Commerce. Aside from best papers and best posters, she was awarded CSC Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award-Individual Category Regional Winner and UPLB College of Agriculture and Food Science Outstanding Alumna (both in 2019), DA Gawad Saka Outstanding Agricultural Scientist Region 3 and National Finalist (2017) and the prestigious The Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service (TOWNS) in Science and Technology by President Benigno Simeon Aquino III (2010).

Casiana Blanca J. Villarino

Casiana Blanca J. Villarino

Board Member

Affiliation: Scientist 1 and Professor, University of the Philippines Diliman

Casiana Blanca Villarino is currently a Scientist 1 and Professor of Food Science at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD). She has been a mainstay in the academe since the 90’s and has been involved authoring and co-authoring several publications and research projects as well patents, utility model, and copyright. She also has been invited to speak and present for proceedings and conferences, both at National and International level, such as the PAN Annual Convention, ASEAN Conference in Food Science and Technology, and the World Food Congress. She has been involved in several organizations as well, acquiring key administrative positions in some of them such as being the Chairperson of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (DFSN) in the College of Home Economics (CHE) at the UPD. She garnered multiple awards, citations, honors, such as the Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Curtin Finals Winner, International Publication Awards, and several Professorial Chair and Scientist Grants from different institutions. 

She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology in UPD for her undergraduate studies and then went on to also becoming a Master of Food Science in the same institution. She also acquired 30 plus units in the program of Master of Statistics in UPD as well. Aside from her post-graduate studies, she also has several certificates and complete short courses on various fields such as Data Science and Nutrition Foundation.

Ellen E. Villate

Ellen E. Villate

Board Member

Ellen Villate is currently a Freelance Consultant and also a practicing Public Health Nutritionist. Her areas of specialization include Program Development and Localization or operationalization of National Program on Maternal Neonatal Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN, PPAN), Micronutrient supplementation, Infant and young child nutrition, Research, Nutrition communications, Monitoring and evaluation, Working with Local Government Units, Networking and designing program for workshops, and also Events. Since her graduation, she has continued to work for several organizations, becoming a key person most of them like being the Country Director of the Hellen Keller International and the Chief of Party SHIELD Project of USAID-HKI. She has also garnered several special awards from different organizations such as the Clara Ruth Darby Memorial Award in the Field of Public Health Nutrition, given by the Nutritionist Association of the Philippines (NDAP) in 2011, Outstanding Professional in the Field of Nutrition and Dietetics, given by the Professional Regulations Commission in 2015, and several other awards. 

She pursued a bachelor’s degree of science in Foods and Nutrition at the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) and graduated in 1977. She then also studied in the University of the Philippines Manila (UPM) and became a Master of Public Health major in Epidemiology in 1993.

Cecilia Cristina S. Acuin, MD, PhD

Cecilia Cristina S. Acuin, MD, PhD


Affiliation: Senior Scientist, International Rice Research Institute

Dr. Cecilia S. Acuin is currently a Senior Scientist at the International Rice Research Institute. At the start of the millennium, she was given Teaching & Research Fellowship grants at Cornell University and remained there from 2002 until 2006. Before her service in the field of Nutrition, she majored in Zoology and went on to also study in the medical field. Throughout the years, she grew her passion in the field of Nutrition. She published several papers that focused on Infant and Child health and nutrition, eventually landing her PhD in Nutrition in 2013. Currently she focuses on research interests such as Maternal and child health and nutrition, Nutrition and non-communicable diseases, and Health and nutrition systems and operations research.
Cecilia S. Acuin graduated cum laude with a Bachelor’s Science Degree in Zoology at the University of the Philippines Diliman wherein she is also a GSIS Undergraduate Scholar. She then went on to pursue her medical career at UP College of Medicine, taking her residency as well at UPCM-PGH. She then explored more fields, pursuing three post-graduate programs, namely Master of Arts in Medical Anthropology at University of Connecticut in USA, SEAMEO TropMed Study Grant in Public Health at UP-College of Public Health, and also a Fulbright scholarship for Masters in Medical Anthropology at UCONN.  Fast forward to recent years, she then went on to pursue and get a PhD in Nutrition at Cornell University in 2013, minoring in Nutritional Epidemiology & Risk Communication.