Annual Convention

The Annual Convention of the Philippine Association of Nutrition (PAN) has been traditionally held in July of each year and organized along the thematic line of the annual observance of the National Nutrition Month.  The annual event, which was first conducted on the first decade of PAN, has been a venue to update association members and partners on key developments in the field of food and nutrition in the Philippines and around the globe.

The Annual Convention is a two-day activity that includes a Keynote Address, Plenary Lecture, and technical sessions that hope to engage meaningful discussions on concerns related to food and nutrition, with emphasis on the urgency of multisectoral actions. There is also a segment for the student chapters to share their projects and activities. Another segment is a dialogue/panel discussion through which the invited panelists will share specific experiences/expertise related to the theme.

In addition, the Annual Convention recognizes exemplary individuals for their contributions in the field of nutrition in the Philippines through the different awards such as the Francisco O. Santos Memorial Award, PAN Fellows, and Honorary Member Award. In the past, exemplary project implementation like the PABASA sa Nutrisyon (PSN) of local government units and salt iodization of provinces and cities were also recognized. The event is also the venue where Outstanding Nutrition and Dietetic Students and Outstanding Student Chapters are given recognition.

Before the convention ends, a Business Meeting is conducted where the President presents the accomplishments of PAN for the year, while the Treasurer presents the financial status of the organization. Furthermore, a Fellowship Party is hosted by PAN in the spirit of camaraderie allowing its members to meet new friends and form networks.

In response to the ever increasing need to contribute to the improvement of the nutritional status of every Filipino, PAN issues evidenced-based and practical recommendations on specific topics as output of the Annual Convention. These recommendations, known as PAN Recommends, are statements of important and urgent research–based nutrition and related policy, strategy, and program recommendations that will contribute to the improvement of the current nutrition situation of Filipinos. PAN Recommends are submitted to the appropriate body.

With the raging COVID-19 pandemic, when a face-to-face convention is not feasible, a series of webinars in 2020 and online conventions for 2021 and 2022 were conducted.